2009年10月26日 星期一




網站架設 - WEB server 軟體以及需要什麼樣的設備

在Internet上假如你有了IP以及Domain Name,接下來你您只要再安裝網站伺服器,就可以達成網站架設的夢想了。我們推薦您使用 RaidenHTTPD Web Server,因為他開發的目標為簡單易用輕鬆上手,人人皆可架設網站!

在網路環境上,建議使用寬頻的網路環境,例如固定式專線,ADSL,有線電視數據機或是區域網路等 .. 不論是固定IP或是動態IP位址都可以架設網站喔,不過若是動態IP架站您可能還需要申請專屬的網域名稱。我們建議租用固定IP.

下載免費試用版本雷電HTTPD 雷電網站架設軟體下載頁

寬頻上網申請資訊 So-net 中華電信

網域名稱申請 TWNIC (國內) Register.com (國外)

網站架設 - 如何架設網頁
網站架設 - 檢查您的架設網頁安裝環境
* 請確定您的磁碟機仍有大約20MB的剩餘空間。

* 請將雷電HTTPD WEB server及PHP安裝於C磁碟。

* 建議系統皆以實行過Windows Update確保最新版程式元件之穩定性,如果是WinXP作業系統,在我們的RaidenAdmin介面中提共您自動設定Windows Firewall的功能。

* 由於WinNT/2000/XP皆內建有IIS,佔住了Port80,而且若是您有安裝PHP,亦會鎖住PHP相關的dll檔,可以先將它關閉,方法如下:開始 程式集系統管理工具Internet服務管理員,來關閉IIS的服務,如果您找不到,請到我的電腦控制台系統管理工具Internet 服務管理。

* 若你是WindowsNT/2000/ME/98的使用者,請將IE更新到最新版本,或更新你的MSXML Parser版本(按此更新)。

* 有安裝過Apache with php 的使用者,請先停掉,以免他在執行時會佔用php4ts.dll 或 php4isapi.dll 而導致PHP4安裝失敗。

* 有安裝Skype的使用者,請進入功能->設定選項->連線->[不要打勾]使用80/443 port作為外來連線替代。

* 曾經安裝過RaidenHTTPD也請先停掉,並把桌面右下角出現在System Tray的 RaidenAdmin 也一併關閉。

* 如有安裝分享器請依照說明設定 分享器設定教學範例

* 如有安裝防火牆請依照說明設定 XP/2003/Vista內建防火牆,諾頓Norton Antivirus/Internet Security,Pc-cillin Internet Security

網站架設 - 快速安裝架站教學
如何架設網頁 - 快速安裝架站教學
安裝程式下載完畢之後(RaidenHTTPD.exe/PHP4 或 RaidenHTTPD_PHP5.exe/PHP5),隨後使用檔案總管執行它,按照步驟作即可快速安裝。



步驟三:選擇您想要安裝的套件,建議選擇Full模式,將PHP-4.x.x(或5.x.x)一併安裝,安裝程式會將PHP強制安裝在C:/php/ 之下,並點選Next。









步驟五:若要雷電HTTPD網站架設軟體隨著系統啟動,必須安裝系統服務,請先檢查是否有其他的Web Server已經被安裝且必須被停止服務,然後再依照 1.安裝 2.啟動 的順序設定雷電HTTPD。





網站架設教學 - 如何開啟自己的WWW網站
網站架設教學 - 如何開啟自己的WWW架設網頁
用瀏覽器開啟您個人網址,注意若要讓全世界的網友來上你架設的網站,必須要告訴他們你的WAN IP(真實IP位置),而非NAT分享器後的虛擬IP位址。(但您自己在網內時有可能只能連上您的虛擬IP位址)

2009年9月3日 星期四

FTP software - RaidenFTPD

FTP software - RaidenFTPD

FTP software - RaidenFTPD is an easy-to-use FTP software daemon for Windows. With this handy FTP Server tool you can share your files with friends, provide file download services to customers or even setup your own home network FTP software server. Not only are all the basic FTP features built-in; it also features various advanced features such as SSL/TLS, UTF8(unicode), UPnP NAT traversal and more ..

FTP software - RaidenFTPD server software

FTP server software RaidenFTPD is an easy-to-use ftp server software for Windows™. With this handy tool you can share your files with friends, provide file download services to customers or even setup your own private network file server.

FTP software - Client and Server architecture
If someone is talking about an FTP software, he is probably talking about an FTP client or an FTP server, FTP is file transfer protocol and it can not work with only a client or a server software, to choose what you really need, you need to understand that are you going to do, If you want to download or upload somthing from an FTP site, you need an FTP client software, if you want to host files for people to download or upload, You need an FTP server software.

FTP software - SmartFTP client software

FTP client software SmartFTP is an FTP software (File Transfer Protocol) client which allows you to transfer files between your local computer and a server on the Internet.

mp3 jukebox software | music server

2009年7月7日 星期二

How to setup an FTP server step-by-step guide

Step 1: download FTP server software

The first step is to download an FTP server software for Windows operating system, we recommend you the RaidenFTPD FTP server software.

FTP server

RaidenFTPD FTP server download page

Download the software (raidenftpd2.exe) and open it to launch the setup procedure, just click I agree and next next and next to finish the setup program.

how to setup an ftp server step1

After it is installed, you will see an RaidenFTPD icon on your desktop

And a program group called RaidenFTPD under your start menu

And the RaidenFTPD program will also be opened automatically for the first time, and you will notice that there will also be an icon on your task bar notification area to indicate that RaidenFTPD program is now running.


Step 2: configure the FTP server software

After you install and start the RaidenFTPD FTP server software, the first thing to do is to start up your FTP server, there are some basic things you need to know before you do it.

1. You need to specifiy a port number for FTP server to listen on, it's usually 21.

2. You need to prepare a root path for the FTP server, the root directory is the place where your FTP users will see and be locked to when they connect and login your server.

3. Anonymous access means if you want to allow anyone to connect to this server without having a named account and password, usually this is set to OFF for a private server.

Now we can start to configure the FTP server

first step to setup an FTP server

Specify a server name, anything you like.

Specify IP,PORT,ROOT path and click next.

In the second step you don't need to change anything and click next.

In the last step click ok and it's done.

Step 3: Create the 1st user account

The key point to setup an FTP server in Windows is to have named accounts, when creating an FTP user account on your RaidenFTPD ftp server software, and the following information will automatically be generated and copied to your system clip board.

You can launch batch users manager by clicking this icon or the menu >> setup >> users

how to open the RaidenFTPD ftp server user's manager

And groups. And it is automatically opened when your first server is started.

RaidenFTPD FTP server's users manager

click Add to create an user account. just enter the user name/pass, specify its user leve, and if it should be using server's VFS structure or not. finally when it finishes, the following information will be copied to clipboard.

Welcome to: RaidenFTPD32

server ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port: 21

implicit ssl port: 0 explicit ssl port: 121

account: testuser password: testpass

ratio 1:0 credit: 0mb

direct IE url: ftp://testuser:testpass@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:21/

Now that you are an FTP site master, please forward the above information to your ftp client users, your users will be able to use Internet explorer to connect to your FTP server by the aboe direct IE url or using a professional FTP client such as CuteFTP Pro.

Step 4: Configure Firewall for FTP server

The difficult part for setting up an FTP server is not running the software itself, it is how to confgure the firewall software for FTP access. Most of the people maybe already using Windows XP/Vista built in firewall, RaidenFTPD FTP server can configure it automatically for you, however this Windows Firewall got a nasty problem that is the PASV port redirection.

PASV port redirection: FTP server software uses 1401-1410 ports for passive modes, you need to open them on your firewall software and make port forwarding on Routers. however Windows Firewall makes changes to those ports, for example the server listens on 1401 and the Windows Firewall will intercept it and change it to something like 5005 so what ever you map on your router will never be mapped. that simply means the port mapping on your router will not work. To make long story short, DISABLE WINDOWS FIREWALL IF YOU ARE RUNNING FTP SERVER BEHIND A ROUTER.

To disable Windows Firewall under Windows Vista, do the followings.

Start menu >> settings >> control panel >> security >> windows firewall >> change settings.

Turn off vista firewall in order to run FTP server behind a router

To manually setup other kind of Firewall softwares, open the following TCP ports: 21,1401-1410 and trust the executable file raidenftpd.exe (usually under c:\RaidenServers\RaidenFTPD)

You can determine the ports which will be used in this dialog box

There are too many kinds of Firewall softwares so we only list one as an example, but just remember the rules and it applies to all kinds of firewalls.

How to configure a firewall software for FTP server

Step 5: How to configure broadband router for external accesses to the FTP server

After the firewall is configured, you should be able to connect to your FTP server from any computer in the same network (probably behind the same broadband router or hub).

But before you configure the router, users on the internet still can not connect to your FTP server. Before we proceed we have a little knowledge to tell you. the PRIVATE IP-Address and WAN IP-Address.

PRIVATE IP-Address: all computers connect to the internet via a broadband router (usually called NAT) may be assigned with a PRIVATE IP-Address, private IP-Address is used only locally and privately, it is not accessible from the internet, only computers on the same hub or router can access to each other with a private IP address. it is usually something like the following: - (10/8 prefix) - (172.16/12 prefix) - (192.168/16 prefix)

WAN IP-Address: WAN IP-Address is given by your ISP, it is accessible from worldwide, usually it is used on your broadband router exclusively, but not the computers behind it. so You have to configure and tell the router about how to do the redirection so the server running on internal computer is accessible from internet.

Now you understand that you need to configure the router but how? it's simple, just lookup the private IP address of the PC that has the FTP server running, and connect to your router by web browser, login its administration interface, add port mapping (a.k.a. port forwarding or virtual server) for the following ports 21,1401-1410 and map them to your private IP-Address.

By the way, if you are using Windows Vista, it MAY find your router automatically (not guaranteed!), so just check open NETWORK on your desktop and if you find your router's model name in the NETWORK, just double click on it and the router's administration interface maybe opened. (if you are lucky enough).

double click on the router's model name, the admin interfaced MAYBE opened

smc router's administration interface automatically opened in Internet explorer

here is an example for Linksys router

Step 6: Test your FTP server

After you installed it, configured the Firewall, configured the router, you should be able to connect to your FTP server from home network by using your private IP-address or connect to your FTP server from outside of the router using your wan IP-address. You can use Internet explorer to test the connect, the url should be ftp://USER:PASS@YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:PORT/

Or it's better to use a FTP client to connect to your FTP server, it's more convenient and powerful.

Once you have your FTP server working, you maybe interested in setting up other kinds of internet servers, we recommend RaidenHTTPD web server and RaidenTunes streaming server.

2009年5月12日 星期二





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強大 + 簡便 ECSHOP除了注重功能上的強大以外更重要的特點就是操作上的方便快捷。我們設身處地為用戶著想的設計理念使我們的產品達到了極高的易用性。只需輕點滑鼠+簡單錄入即可完成商城管理。

效率 + 速度 ECSHOP在系統架構,資料庫,程式等方面的設計都由資深的專業人士完成,保證了系統的健壯和效率,高效合理的管理流程助您在瞬息萬變的商務活動中始終領先一步,掌握市場的主動權。

參考網址 ECSHOP購物車系統網站 | ECSHOP最新版下載帖


要架設ECSHOP購物車軟體,我們首先要備妥安裝環境,你必須要有一個WEB Server與資料庫MySQL Server軟體安裝好。請依下列教學分別安裝好雷電HTTPD與MySQL 5.0x軟體。


MySQL 5.0安裝教學


注意: ECSHOP購物車軟體為個人使用時免費,商業用途須購買商業授權。



  將壓縮檔案中 Upload 資料夾內容解壓縮至此處,請注意不要多放了一層 Upload 子目錄於此以避免困擾。

解壓縮完畢後您可以透過以下的網址進行安裝流程,比如說你的伺服器IP為 那麼就是利用這樣的網址:

您可利用 Internet Explorer 或是 Firefox 之類的瀏覽器來開啟購物車系統安裝畫面。



這畫面請仔細檢查各項需求是否能通過,如果一開始灌的是雷電HTTPD PHP5版以及MySQL5應該可以順利通過測試



如果你已經照著我們的教學灌完 MySQL 5.0 那麼以下的資訊你應該已經有了

数据库主机: 通常為 localhost 或是資料庫主機的 ip 位置

口号: 通常為3306不需要改變

户名: 依照你安裝 MySQL 時設定的輸入

密码: 依照你安裝 MySQL 時設定的輸入

数据库名: 請輸入 ecshop 但是注意這個 database 是必須自行建立的,如果不會建立暫時先打 test

表前缀: 不用變動

管理员姓名: 自選

录密码: 自選

密码确认: 自選

邮箱: 自選


出現了預設的首頁 趕快將您的自有商品上架吧


管理區的網址是你的商店網址 + admin 例如











在 ecshop 資料庫中-ecs_shop_config 資料表 - 搜尋 code = currency_format 這筆資料將 ¥%s元 改為 NT%s元 這樣子就可以了。


2009年5月8日 星期五

PS3收聽線上音樂的最佳拍檔 - RaidenTunes


雷電隨地聽自2.0版起新增PS3(PlayStation3 NetFront Browser)的支援,我們透過Adobe Flash9的技術克服萬難始能支援PS3的線上音樂播放.

首先要簡單介紹這套軟體到底是什麼東東,簡單來說就是您找一台Windows PC,裡面的硬碟裡有您收藏的音樂(MP3..WMA..等等),利用這套RaidenTunes的線上音樂架站軟體之後,您就可以架設起一個自家用的線上音樂伺服器,您不但可以透過Windows,MAC或是Linux上的各種瀏覽器直接上站瀏覽,搜尋,收聽您的線上音樂,最重要的是,也是今天介紹這個功能的原因 “您可以用PlayStation3內建的瀏覽器” 來收聽線上音樂.

首先,您要下載並安裝這套軟體到您的Windows PC,詳細方式就不說明了直接參考這篇教學(很簡單,幾分鐘就可以完成)
免費試用下載: http://www.raidentunes.com/download.html
安裝教學: http://www.raidentunes.com/manual-setup.html

安裝完畢後,您要先搞清楚您的RaidenTunes網站的網址,由以下兩個步驟可以得知位置為 例如 這樣的東西,然後記得申請第一個帳號(將成為您的管理者帳號,就可以登入了). 登入後就是新增歌曲,這幾個步驟建議在PC安裝時就先行完成.

接下來就準備使用PlayStation3來享受美妙的音樂了,首先打開PlayStation3的電源,進入選單 XMB 的 網路 –> 網路瀏覽介面




開始連線後若出現登入畫面,就表示已經連上,在此處可先將畫面切換為全螢幕(三角形 -> 顯示 -> 最大).




來看看線上音樂伺服器上面有什麼音樂? 點選左方選單 隨機專輯 看看.


如果您對某張專輯有興趣,直接對著專輯封面圖式按下圈鈕,就進到專輯詳細介紹畫面,這裡可以看到曲目,相關專輯等等資訊.甚至如果是個有心的站長,您還可以去輸入藝人與專輯的相關資訊喔,如果是西洋的藝人,您更可以去申請一組 nytimes api key,之後就會自動抓取相關藝人的最新新聞登在版面上.



